Jeff is a big guy. But what I never knew is that he has struggled with this for many years. Maybe he doesn’t want to end up like other funny big guys who have found themselves pigeonholed (and ultimately doomed) by their weight.
Think Chris Farley. John Candy.
Usually, overeating and reducing one’s carbon footprint do not go hand in hand, but Garlin knows this and it is this irony that makes his story all the more interesting. In My Footprint: Carrying the Weight of the World, Garlin provides a funny, honest, and insightful look into his struggle to lose weight along with his long-time efforts to go green.
This is not a memoir. It's a glimpse into a brief portion of his life — an experiment as he tries to reconcile one compulsion with another. He tells of his daily struggles, eco-friendly home improvement projects that drive his wife to distraction, overcoming or giving in to temptations, a compulsion to eat, and regular pilgrimages to the Pritkin Longevity Center (a weight-loss resort in Florida). At points Garlin’s desperation is laid bare. At other times it is cast aside.
What really resonates about his story is that most people can relate. It might be a compulsion to overeat or gamble or drink. It doesn't really matter. Fighting a compulsion is a journey and even if Garlin never reaches his goal, I know he will never give up.
Maybe that has been his point all along.
If you're looking for a laugh-a-minute satire from an executive producer of Curb Your Enthusiasm, this book is probably not for you. But if you want an occasional laugh from an inspirational and thoughtful guy or if you might relate to his struggle, make sure you pick it up. Maybe we can all do the world some good together.
My Footprint Steps Out With A 7.5 On The Liquid Hip Richter Scale.
My Footprint: Carrying the Weight of the World is an easy and likable read. If you are already a fan of Garlin, you’ll like him all the more. I liked the book enough to write to Garlin to tell him so and he was kind enough to autograph my book. He's a very cool guy.
You can also find My Footprint: Carrying the Weight of the World on iTunes as an audiobook. With Garlin reading it himself, you'll discover a whole new dimension to the story told in his own words. And you might even find more than a few chuckles with his inflection.
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